Tuesday, January 27, 2015


No blizzard in our area as a large portion of New England experiences blizzard conditions.
Yet, NOLD is covered in a few inches of light, fresh snow.
I am working with a canvas of white as my backdrop today as I look up from my work and gaze out the window from my desk or the kitchen sink or the back patio doors.
I thought it would be shame, if not a crime, not to share a bit of color today.
So, I dug out images from my archives of all the bulbs I have forced indoors during the winter months over the last few years.
I include tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, and amaryllis in yellow, pink, red, and purple.
Forcing bulbs is a hopeful act of kinship across the blogosphere as you can find many gardeners and nature lovers doing the same.
Still, I have to admit that the last set of bulbs from the holidays were as white as the outdoors today.

Nonetheless, I know Freddy is as sad as I am to see them go as they lost their petals and toppled to the floor just last weekend.
I will be on the lookout for new plantings and opportunities to bring nature close to home. In the meantime, you might want to enjoy a bit of fun. My younger daughter shared this video with me and knew that Word Crimes would be something close to my heart.