Friday, January 2, 2015


Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it. ~ Goethe

Action is my word for 2015. Days are passing, life is evolving, and I am blessed. Isn't it time to stop dreaming and rather put hand to labor? My hope is to align my love of writing, my faith in the creative process, and my personal interests to produce work of highest quality for the coming 12 months.

So, I plan to finally open that Etsy shop and produce more products from the incubator here at A Measured Word to sell. I hope to blog frequently with greater focus and to send a bit more inspiration out to you, dear reader.

If Goethe is right, and I hold to my end of the bargain, 2015 will be a powerful year full of magic and grace. The thought humbles me, but I plan to bow my head in action and get to work. Stick with me and keep me posted on how I am doing, okay?