Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Spring never fails to surprise and delight. Every year it is an awakening, getting reacquainted with nature. I seem to hitch a ride on the tide of all that is new and renew commitments to creativity and health, home as well as the unknown lands, inside and out, and community.

Living in a new college town in a new state, spring has come earlier than I have ever experienced and even to everyone's surprise (and underlying dismay and concern) here. We seem to have finally landed on a new home that we love and the coming months will be full to bursting. Yet, my seasonal work at the university is winding down and I want to return to my writing and blogging and see where it takes me in the coming months.

I will embrace the process and the journey once again. So, I am springing forth in my step, into the world, in anticipation of the the new and unexpected, into the season. Join me for a bit of inspiration now and again, won't you?

Winter, Spring
Jim Harrison

Winter is black and beige down here
from drought. Suddenly in March
there’s a good rain and in a coup1e
of weeks we are enveloped in green.
Green everywhere in the mesquites, oaks,
cottonwoods, the bowers of thick
willow bushes the warblers love
for reasons of food or the branches,
the tiny aphids they cat with relish.

Each year it is a surprise
that the world can turn green again.
It is the grandest surprise in life,
the birds coming back from the south to my open
arms, which they fly past, aiming at the feeders.